Taranaki is home to eight iwi, from the Mokau river boundary to the North, inland to the Eastern Taranaki Corridor and around Te Papakura o Taranaki National Park to the West Coast.
Below is a Taranaki iwi map so when you are exploring trails in our beautiful region you know which iwi rohe you are in, and if you want to learn more please click the iwi links below.
Taranaki Maunga (Mount)
Taranaki Maunga has become a legal personality, in its own right, with joint responsibility shared between local Tangata Whenua and the government in an agreement signed with the eight iwi of Taranaki.
This is the third significant place to be given such legal standing, alongside Te Urewera Forest and Whanganui River.
Our Maunga is a place of incredible importance to iwi and the people of Taranaki and is a place to be protected, respected, and cared for. To read more about the history of our Maunga click here.
Taranaki iwi
Ngāti Tama
Ngāti Mutunga
Te Atiawa
Ngāti Maru
Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi
Ngāti Ruanui